Chronic Sinus Pain Treatment in Austin, TX

Chronic Sinus Pain Relief in Austin

Recurring sinus infections make you miserable

The symptoms never seem to go away…symptoms like:

  • Fatigue
  • Facial pain/pressure
  • Throat irritation
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Annoying runny nose
  • Post-nasal drip

Nothing keeps the pain from coming back and it’s frustrating

You’ve tried it all…

  • Nasal sprays
  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Antibiotics

But nothing has provided lasting relief. There’s a reason.

Chronic Sinus Pain Relief in Austin

Standard treatments don’t always treat the root of your recurring sinus pain

Often, recurring sinus infections are caused by an underlying condition like nasal polyps or a narrow sinus passage. This leaves patients vulnerable to recurring pain unless the underlying cause is treated.

At Daniel J. Leeman, MD, we understand this frustration. We offer several in-office treatments that can target your unique underlying cause and bring you lasting relief.

Long-lasting in-office treatments at Dr. Leeman’s

We believe there is a treatment that can help everyone no matter the underlying issue. Some treatments we offer include:

Sinus Treatment in Austin

Sinus Symptoms

Sinusitis (sinus infections) can cause miserable symptoms that never seem to go away. Doctors diagnose chronic sinusitis when you have persistent symptoms for at least 12 weeks, but acute sinusitis is shorter-lived.

Some of the most common symptoms of sinusitis are:

  • Fatigue
  • Facial pain
  • Sensation of pressure around your nose and under your eyes
  • Throat irritation
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Constantly runny nose
  • Chronic cough
  • Frequent post-nasal drip (mucus running down the back of your throat)
  • Thick yellow or greenish mucus discharge
  • Bad breath
  • Loss of taste or smell

Another condition, allergic rhinitis, occurs when your body reacts to allergens in your environment. It shares many symptoms with sinusitis, but mucus is usually watery and clear instead of thick and yellow or green. In addition, rhinitis is more likely to cause eye redness and itching than sinusitis.

Chronic sinus symptoms can disrupt your life and leave you feeling desperate for answers. Fortunately, there are multiple effective treatments available today.

Chronic sinus symptoms in Austin

How Are Sinus Symptoms Diagnosed?

Dr. Leeman starts with your symptoms and considers how long you’ve had them. He may diagnose you after a symptom review and physical exam. In many cases, further investigation is needed to uncover not only an accurate diagnosis but also the root cause of your sinus symptoms.

Some of the tests you may need are:

  • Endoscopy: A simple procedure to view the insides of your sinuses through a tiny camera
  • Imaging tests: a CT scan or MRI can help detect nasal polyps and structural nose problems such as a deviated septum.
  • Allergy tests: Allergies cause allergic rhinitis and are a frequent cause of chronic sinusitis. Skin or blood tests can help detect your specific allergens.
  • Biopsy: Removing a small sample of tissue from within your sinuses to test for infections and alternative causes of your symptoms

Dr. Leeman uses the information gathered during the diagnostic process to help personalize your treatment plan.

In-Office Treatments for Fast Sinus Relief

At the office of Daniel J. Leeman, MD, we believe there’s an effective treatment for everyone, no matter what your sinus symptoms may be. We offer sinus relief through lifestyle guidance, medication, and more advanced office-based treatments. Some of the most popular treatments we offer are:

  • Balloon Sinuplasty: Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive treatment to open your clogged sinuses. In this procedure, Dr. Leeman uses a thin catheter to position and inflate a tiny balloon within the congested area. The treatment has long-lasting results and can significantly relieve chronic sinusitis symptoms.
  • ClariFix: ClariFix is an office-based treatment that uses freezing temperatures (cryotherapy) to treat certain nerves within the nose (often the root cause of allergic rhinitis). These nerves may overreact to allergens, triggering disruptive sinus symptoms. Cryotherapy deactivates those overreactive nerves to give you relief.
  • Turbinate Reduction: Your nasal turbinates are tiny structures inside your nose. They keep the air moist and warm as you breathe and help regulate airflow. Turbinates can swell until they disrupt other nasal structures and cause sinus symptoms. Turbinate reduction involves precise surgical removal of tissue and bone to reduce turbinate size and stop sinus symptoms.

Our team is happy to tailor a sinus relief plan to your unique needs.

Choose relief with Dr. Leeman

Are you truly tired of suffering from constant sinus pain? If so, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Daniel J. Leeman, MD.

What is Balloon Sinuplasty?

With traditional sinus surgery, the surgeon removes tissue and bone to make the sinus opening bigger to help clear blocked sinuses and restore proper sinus drainage. Also, recovery after a sinus surgery procedure can often involves carring and pain.

With a Balloon Sinuplasty procedure, the surgeon dilates the sinus openings which can clear up any infection and restore normal drainage. On average, the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure takes around an hour.

Other benefits include:

  • No cutting or removal of tissue or bones like traditional sinus surgery
  • Less bleeding
  • Helps preserve healthy mucus membranes, nasal tissues, and structure
  • Lower infection risk than with traditional sinus surgery
  • 95% success rate

How Much Does Balloon Sinuplasty Cost?

Choosing Balloon Sinuplasty over traditional sinus surgeries can save you both money and time. You will have minimal time off work, none of the costs associated with surgery in a hospital, no long recovery, and, best of all, Balloon Sinuplasty is covered by most insurances. In fact, in 2014, the American Academy of Otolaryngology issued a statement calling for all medical insurance companies to consider providing coverage for the cost of the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure.

However, some insurance companies continue to make it difficult to qualify for Balloon Sinuplasty. Several consider it to be an elective procedure that should not be covered.

To find out if your policy covers Balloon Sinuplasty, contact your insurance company. It is always a good idea to check with your insurance company to be sure you understand all of your plan's features.

Why Should I Choose Dr. Leeman for my Balloon Sinuplasty Procedure

Dr. Leeman is a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He is also a member of the American Board of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery. As such, he has been specially trained in the anatomy, physiology, and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, throat, neck, and head.

With his experience serving the Austin community for nearly 20 years, he has diagnosed and performed many successful procedures to treat these areas of the body, using the most up-to-date techniques—both surgical and non-surgical.

If you have any other questions about what Balloon Sinuplasty could do for you, feel free to schedule an appointment and we would be happy to discuss everything in more detail.