Nasal Turbinate Reduction in Austin, TX

Nasal turbinates are small, seashell-shaped structures within the nasal passageways that contain blood vessels. They humidify and warm the air, so cold air does not reach the lungs. When the turbinates become enlarged, they can obstruct other passageways in the nose and must be surgically reduced.
What is the Procedure For Turbinate Reduction?
An endoscope (a very small tube with a light and miniature camera at the end) is inserted through a nostril, allowing the surgeon to see the interior of the nose on a monitor. The surgeon will make a tiny incision in the lining of the turbinate and remove or destroy a small portion of bone and any other tissue obstructing the passageway.
Various techniques and tools may be used, such as lasers for bone removal or destruction and radiofrequency to stop the bleeding when the procedure is completed.
Benefits of Turbinate Reduction
Turbinate reduction surgery brings the following benefits to patients:
- Improves nasal breathing
- Reduces post-nasal drip
- Reduces snoring, improving sleep
- Addresses chronic sleep apnea
- Improves quality of life

Where is the procedure performed?
Turbinate reduction is typically performed on an outpatient basis and may only require a local anesthetic. While there may be some discomfort during the procedure, there is generally little pain. Depending on the size, shape, and location of the tissue to be removed, the procedure can take as little as 15 minutes.
Am I a candidate for turbinate reduction?
Provided you are in overall good health and do not have any condition or allergy that could affect safety in surgery, you are likely a good candidate for the procedure. Be sure to thoroughly discuss your medical history with Dr. Leeman at the time of your consultation.
How should I prepare for the procedure?
Dr. Leeman will give you detailed instructions on how to prepare, but many of the guidelines are typical before surgery, such as not eating or drinking for a specific number of hours before your appointment.
What Can I Expect After Turbinate Reduction?
You may be sent home with packings and dressings in the nose to control any discharge or bleeding, although this is not always the case. As with any procedure done in the nasal area, your eyes may appear swollen or bruised and, immediately following the procedure, the short-term effects of anesthesia may include drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, or vomiting. Should you experience any pain or discomfort Dr. Leeman will prescribe prescription pain medication.
What is the Recovery Time After the Procedure?
Any post-procedure discomfort, pain, or other symptoms usually subside within a few days after the procedure. About a week after the procedure, Dr. Leeman will remove any packing or dressings and perform a follow-up is so that he can evaluate how well you are healing. Complete recovery typically takes about two weeks. Avoid even gentle nose-blowing for a week. If there is no bleeding, you can resume normal activity with 72 hours. If you wish to learn more, contact Dr. Leeman today and schedule a consultation for arguably the best turbinate reduction Austin has to offer.
Why choose Dr. Leeman for turbinate reduction?
Dr. Leeman is a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. With nearly 20 years of experience successfully performing a wide variety of procedures, from cosmetic to full nasal reconstruction, you can be confident in his abilities. He always strives to deliver the highest standards of care and will give you the personal attention you deserve.
What is Balloon Sinuplasty?
With traditional sinus surgery, the surgeon removes tissue and bone to make the sinus opening bigger to help clear blocked sinuses and restore proper sinus drainage. Also, recovery after a sinus surgery procedure can often involves carring and pain.
With a Balloon Sinuplasty procedure, the surgeon dilates the sinus openings which can clear up any infection and restore normal drainage. On average, the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure takes around an hour.
Other benefits include:
- No cutting or removal of tissue or bones like traditional sinus surgery
- Less bleeding
- Helps preserve healthy mucus membranes, nasal tissues, and structure
- Lower infection risk than with traditional sinus surgery
- 95% success rate
How Much Does Balloon Sinuplasty Cost?
Choosing Balloon Sinuplasty over traditional sinus surgeries can save you both money and time. You will have minimal time off work, none of the costs associated with surgery in a hospital, no long recovery, and, best of all, Balloon Sinuplasty is covered by most insurances. In fact, in 2014, the American Academy of Otolaryngology issued a statement calling for all medical insurance companies to consider providing coverage for the cost of the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure.
However, some insurance companies continue to make it difficult to qualify for Balloon Sinuplasty. Several consider it to be an elective procedure that should not be covered.
To find out if your policy covers Balloon Sinuplasty, contact your insurance company. It is always a good idea to check with your insurance company to be sure you understand all of your plan's features.
Why Should I Choose Dr. Leeman for my Balloon Sinuplasty Procedure
Dr. Leeman is a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He is also a member of the American Board of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery. As such, he has been specially trained in the anatomy, physiology, and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, throat, neck, and head.
With his experience serving the Austin community for nearly 20 years, he has diagnosed and performed many successful procedures to treat these areas of the body, using the most up-to-date techniques—both surgical and non-surgical.
If you have any other questions about what Balloon Sinuplasty could do for you, feel free to schedule an appointment and we would be happy to discuss everything in more detail.