Balloon Sinuplasty in Austin, TX

Balloon Sinuplasty in Austin, TX

If you are seeking relief from chronic sinusitis withoutundergoing extensive surgery, balloon sinuplasty may offer the solution youneed. This minimally invasive procedure, performed right here in ourstate-of-the-art Austin clinic by Dr.Daniel Leeman, can provide significant relief from persistent sinussymptoms. By gently dilating the sinus openings with a small balloon, thistechnique promotes drainage and reduces sinus blockages, often resulting inimproved breathing, fewer infections, and a better quality of life. Discoverhow balloon sinuplasty could be your pathway to breathing freely and livingcomfortably.

Benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon sinuplasty offers numerous benefits for individualssuffering from chronic sinus issues. This minimally invasive procedure isrenowned for its ability to provide significant relief without the need fortraditional surgery. Key benefits include:

  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Less Invasive Approach: Unlike conventionalsinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty does not involve cutting or removal of boneand tissue.
  • Reduced Recovery Time: Patients typicallyexperience a quicker recovery period and can often resume normal activitieswithin a few days.
  • Lower Risk of Complications: The procedure posesfewer risks of bleeding, infection, or scarring.
  • Effective Relief: Most patients report lastingimprovement in sinus function and a reduction in symptoms of sinusitis. Thismeans less discomfort, less medication, and fewer trips to an ENT doctor.

Candidates for Balloon Sinuplasty

You may be a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty if you:

  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Suffer from chronic sinusitis symptoms that havenot responded well to medical therapy.
  • Experience recurrent sinus infections despitetreatment.
  • Prefer a less invasive option with a shorterrecovery period.
  • Are in good overall health and have realisticexpectations about the outcomes of the procedure.

Balloon Sinuplasty Procedure Details

Balloon sinuplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure,typically under local anesthesia. The procedure involves the following steps:

  • Accessing the Sinus: A thin, flexible ballooncatheter is insertd into the sinus passageways.
  • Inflating the Balloon: The balloon is gentlyinflated to expand the sinus opening.
  •  Drainage and Deflation: This expansionfacilitates the drainage of mucus and pus from the sinus, after which theballoon is carefully deflated and removed.
Chronic Sinus Pain Relief in Austin

The entire process helps restore normal sinus drainage andfunction with minimal disruption to the surrounding tissues. This streamlinedapproach ensures effective relief while minimizing discomfort and downtime forthe patient.

Recovery/Follow-Up Care

Patients typically enjoy a remarkably smooth and swift recoveryfollowing balloon sinuplasty. Key aspects of post-procedure care include:

  • Accessing the Sinus: A thin, flexible ballooncatheter is insertd into the sinus passageways.
  • MinimalDowntime: Most patients can return to normal activities within 24 to 48hours.
  • Follow-UpVisits: Scheduled visits allo Dr. Leeman to monitor healing and ensure thesinuses remain open.
  • HomeCare: Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities for a few days andshould use saline sprays to keep the nasal passages moist.

Choose Relief

Don't let chronic sinusitis control your life any longer.Discover the benefits of balloon sinuplasty and start your journey towardsclearer breathing and improved sinus health today. Contact us at 512-478-2273 orschedule your consultation through our website to learn more about thislife-changing procedure and how it can be tailored to your specific needs. Takethe first step towards feeling better every day!

Relief after Balloon Sinuplasty

After the treatment you should experience:

  • A decreased need for sinus medication
  • Fewer trips to urgent care and ENTs
  • Long-lasting sinus pain relief

What is Balloon Sinuplasty?

With traditional sinus surgery, the surgeon removes tissue and bone to make the sinus opening bigger to help clear blocked sinuses and restore proper sinus drainage. Also, recovery after a sinus surgery procedure can often involves carring and pain.

With a Balloon Sinuplasty procedure, the surgeon dilates the sinus openings which can clear up any infection and restore normal drainage. On average, the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure takes around an hour.

Other benefits include:

  • No cutting or removal of tissue or bones like traditional sinus surgery
  • Less bleeding
  • Helps preserve healthy mucus membranes, nasal tissues, and structure
  • Lower infection risk than with traditional sinus surgery
  • 95% success rate

How Much Does Balloon Sinuplasty Cost?

Choosing Balloon Sinuplasty over traditional sinus surgeries can save you both money and time. You will have minimal time off work, none of the costs associated with surgery in a hospital, no long recovery, and, best of all, Balloon Sinuplasty is covered by most insurances. In fact, in 2014, the American Academy of Otolaryngology issued a statement calling for all medical insurance companies to consider providing coverage for the cost of the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure.

However, some insurance companies continue to make it difficult to qualify for Balloon Sinuplasty. Several consider it to be an elective procedure that should not be covered.

To find out if your policy covers Balloon Sinuplasty, contact your insurance company. It is always a good idea to check with your insurance company to be sure you understand all of your plan's features.

Why Should I Choose Dr. Leeman for my Balloon Sinuplasty Procedure

Dr. Leeman is a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He is also a member of the American Board of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery. As such, he has been specially trained in the anatomy, physiology, and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, throat, neck, and head.

With his experience serving the Austin community for nearly 20 years, he has diagnosed and performed many successful procedures to treat these areas of the body, using the most up-to-date techniques—both surgical and non-surgical.

If you have any other questions about what Balloon Sinuplasty could do for you, feel free to schedule an appointment and we would be happy to discuss everything in more detail.